
Highlighted Papers

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  • ADCP papers

    A Comparison of Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and Satellite Altimeter Estimates of Sea Surface Height and Transports between New Jersey and Bermuda along the CMV Oleander Route
    Worst, Jessica ; Donohue, Kathleen ; Rossby, T
    Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Jun 2014, Vol.31(6), pp.1422-1433

    Closing the transport budget of the Florida Straits
    Rousset, Clement ; Beal, Lisa; Rousset, Clement (correspondence author)
    Geophysical Research Letters, April 2014, Vol.41(7), pp.2460-2466

    On the seasonal variability of the currents in the Straits of Florida and Yucatan Channel
    Rousset, Clément ; Beal, Lisa
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 2011, Vol.116(8)

    Five years of Florida Current structure and transport from the Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Explorer of the Seas
    Beal, Lisa M. ; Hummon, Julia M. ; Williams, Elizabeth ; Brown, Otis B. ; Baringer, Warner ; Kearns, Edward J.; University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, Vol.113(C6)

    A time series of upper ocean currents as measured from the Explorer of the Seas
    Kearns, E ; Beal, L ; Zika, R ; Williams, E ; Cummings, S; Kearns, E (correspondence author)
    EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol.87(36)
    September 2006

  • PCO2 papers

    A large increase of the CO2 sink in the western tropical North Atlantic from 2002 to 2009
    Park, Geun-Ha ; Wanninkhof, Rik
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 2012, Vol.117(8)

    Air-sea CO2 fluxes in the caribbean sea from 2002-2004
    Wanninkhof, R ; Olsen, A ; Trinanes, J
    Journal Of Marine Systems, 2007 Jun, Vol.66(1-4), pp.272-284

    Sea–air flux of CO 2 in the Caribbean Sea estimated using in situ and remote sensing data
    Olsen, Are ; Triñanes, Joaquin A. ; Wanninkhof, Rik
    Remote Sensing of Environment, 2004, Vol.89(3), pp.309-325

  • MAERI papers

    Centurioni, L.R., Turton, J., Lumpkin, R., Braasch, L., Brassington, G., Chao, Y., Charpentier, E., Chen, Z., Corlett, G., Dohan, K., Donlon, C., Gallage, C., Hormann, V., Ignatov, A., Ingleby, B., Jensen, R., Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A., Koszalka, I.M., Lin, X., Lindstrom, E., Maximenko, N., Merchant, C.J., Minnett, P., O’Carroll, A., Paluszkiewicz, T., Poli, P., Poulain, P.-M., Reverdin, G., Sun, X., Swail, V., Thurston, S., Wu, L., Yu, L., Wang, B., & Zhang, D. (2019). Global in situ Observations of Essential Climate and Ocean Variables at the Air–Sea Interface. Frontiers in Marine Science 6. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00419

    A pathway to generating Climate Data Records of sea-surface temperature from satellite measurements
    Minnett, Peter J. ; Corlett, Gary K.
    Deep-Sea Research Part II, 15 November 2012, Vol.77-80, pp.44-51

    The impact of measurement uncertainty and spatial variability on the accuracy of skin and subsurface regression-based sea surface temperature algorithms
    Castro, Sandra L. ; Wick, Gary A. ; Minnett, Peter J. ; Jessup, Andrew T. ; Emery, William J.
    Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010, Vol.114(11), pp.2666-2678

    Profiling the Lower Troposphere over the Ocean with Infrared Hyperspectral Measurements of the Marine-Atmosphere Emitted Radiance Interferometer
    Szczodrak, Malgorzata ; Minnett, Peter ; Nalli, Nicholas ; Feltz, Wayne
    Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Mar 2007, Vol.24(3), pp.390-402

    Diurnal warming at the ocean surface
    Gentemann, Chelle Leigh; Peter J. Minnett, Committee Chair
    Dissertations from ProQuest

    Observational Evaluation of a Bulk Model of Air-Sea Thermodynamic Differences in a Fair-Weather Cumulus Regime
    Albrecht, BA ; Minnett, P; Albrecht, BA (correspondence author)
    EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol.87(36) September 2006


Years: 2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  |  2004  |  2003  |  2002 


Centurioni, L.R., Turton, J., Lumpkin, R., Braasch, L., Brassington, G., Chao, Y., Charpentier, E., Chen, Z., Corlett, G., Dohan, K., Donlon, C., Gallage, C., Hormann, V., Ignatov, A., Ingleby, B., Jensen, R., Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A., Koszalka, I.M., Lin, X., Lindstrom, E., Maximenko, N., Merchant, C.J., Minnett, P., O’Carroll, A., Paluszkiewicz, T., Poli, P., Poulain, P.-M., Reverdin, G., Sun, X., Swail, V., Thurston, S., Wu, L., Yu, L., Wang, B., & Zhang, D. (2019). Global in situ Observations of Essential Climate and Ocean Variables at the Air–Sea Interface. Frontiers in Marine Science 6. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00419

Shuangling Chen, Chuanmin Hu, Brian B. Barnes, Rik Wanninkhof, Wei-Jun Cai, Leticia Barbero, Denis Pierrot, A machine learning approach to estimate surface ocean pCO2 from satellite measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 228, 2019,Pages 203-226.


Robbins, L. L., Daly, K. L., Barbero, L., Wanninkhof, R., He, R., Zong, H., et al. ( 2018). Spatial and temporal variability of pCO2, carbon fluxes, and saturation state on the West Florida Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 6174– 6188.


Rossby, T., Flagg, C., Ortner, P., and Hu, C. ( 2011), A tale of two eddies: Diagnosing coherent eddies through acoustic remote sensing, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C12017, doi:10.1029/2011JC007307.


Gula, J., M.J. Molemaker, and J.C. McWilliams, 2015: Gulf Stream Dynamics along the Southeastern U.S. Seaboard. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 690–715,


Donlon, C.J., Minnett, P.J., Jessup, A., Barton, I., Emery, W., Hook, S., Wimmer, W., Nightingale, T.J., & Zappa, C. (2014). Ship-Borne Thermal Infrared Radiometer Systems. In G. Zibordi, C.J. Donlon, & A.C. Parr (Eds.), Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, Vol 47, Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements (pp. 305-404): Academic Press. 1079-4042.

Bakker, D. C. E., B. Pfeil, K. Smith, S. Hankin, A. Olsen, S. R. Alin, C. Cosca, S. Harasawa, A. Kozyr, Y. Nojiri, K. O'Brien, U. Schuster, M. Telszewski, B. Tilbrook, C. Wada, J. Akl, L. Barbero, N. Bates, J. Boutin, W.-J. Cai, R. D. Castle, F. P. Chavez, L. Chen, M. Chierici, K. Currie, H. J. W. de Baar, W. Evans, R. A. Feely, A. Fransson, Z. Gao, B. Hales, N. Hardman-Mountford, M. Hoppema, W.-J. Huang, C. W. Hunt, B. Huss, T. Ichikawa, T. Johannessen, E. M. Jones, S. D. Jones, S. Jutterstrøm, V. Kitidis, A. Kôrtzinger, P. Landschϋtzer, S. K. Lauvset, N. Lefèvre, A. B. Manke, J. T. Mathis, L. Merlivat, N. Metzl, A. Murata, T. Newberger, T. Ono, G.-H. Park, K. Paterson, D. Pierrot, A. F. Ríos, C. L. Sabine, S. Saito, J. Salisbury, V. V. S. S Sarma, R. Schlitzer, R. Sieger, I. Skjelvan, T. Steinhoff, K. Sullivan, A. J. Sutton, T. Suzuki, C. Sweeney, T. Takahashi, J. Tjiputra, N. Tsurushima, S. M. A. C van Heuven, D. Vandemark, P. Vlahos, D. W. R. Wallace, R. Wanninkhof, and Watson, A. J., 2013, An update to the surface ocean CO2 atlas (SOCAT): ESSD, v. in press, 2014.

Rossby, T. and C. N. Flagg, K. Donohue, A. Sanchez-Franks, and J. Lillibridge, 2014: On the long-term stability of Gulf Stream transport based on 20 years of direct measurements, accepted Journal of Geophysical Research, January 2014.

Rousset, Clément, and Lisa M. Beal. "Closing the transport budget of the Florida Straits." Geophysical Research Letters 41.7 (2014): 2460-2466.


Pfeil, B., Olsen, A., Bakker, D. C. E., Hankin, S., Koyuk, H., Kozyr, A., Malczyk, J., Manke, A., Metzl, N., Sabine, C. L., Akl, J., Alin, S. R., Bellerby, R. G. J., Borges, A., Boutin, J., Brown, P. J., Cai, W. J., Chavez, F. P., Chen, A., Cosca, C., Fassbender, A. J., Feely, R. A., Gonzalez-Davila, M., Goyet, C., Hardman-Mountford, N., Heinze, C., Hood, M., Hoppema, M., Hunt, C. W., Hydes, D., Ishii, M., Johannessen, T., Jones, S. D., Key, R. M., Körtzinger, A., Landsch√ºtzer, P., Lauvset, S. K., Lefevre, N., Lenton, A., Lourantou, A., Merlivat, L., Midorikawa, T., Mintrop, L., Miyazaki, C., Murata, A., Nakadate, A., Nakano, Y., Nakaoka, S., Nojiri, Y., Omar, A. M., Padin, X. A., Park, G. H., Paterson, K., Perez, F. F., Pierrot, D., Poisson, A., Rios, A. F., Santana-Casiano, J. M., Salisbury, J., Sarma, V. V. S. S., Schlitzer, R., Schneider, B., Schuster, U., Sieger, R., Skjelvan, I., Steinhoff, T., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, T., Tedesco, K., Telszewski, M., Thomas, H., Tilbrook, B., Tjiputra, J., Vandemark, D., Veness, T., Wanninkhof, R., Watson, A. J., Weiss, R., Wong, C. S., and Yoshikawa-Inoue, H., 2013, A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT): Earth Syst. Sci. Data v. 5, no. 1, p. 125-143.

Signorini, Sergio R., et al. "Surface ocean pCO2 seasonality and sea‐air CO2 flux estimates for the North American east coast." Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118.10 (2013): 5439-5460.


Minnett, Peter J., and Gary K. Corlett. "A pathway to generating Climate Data Records of sea-surface temperature from satellite measurements." Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 77 (2012): 44-51.

Park, G.-H., and Wanninkhof, R., 2012, A large increase of the CO2 sink in the western tropical North Atlantic from 2002 to 2009: J Geophys. Res., v. 117, p. C08029, doi:08010.01029/02011JC007803.


Barton, Ian J. "Improving satellite-derived sea surface temperature accuracies using water vapor profile data." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 28.1 (2011): 85-93.

Gilman, M., A. Soloviev, and H. Graber. "Study of the far wake of a large ship." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 28.5 (2011): 720-733.

Rossby, T. and C. Flagg, P. Ortner and C. Hu, 2011: A tale of two eddies: Diagnosing coherent eddies through acoustic remote sensing,  Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 116, c12017, doi:10.1029/2011JC007307, December 2011


Castro, Sandra L., et al. "The impact of measurement uncertainty and spatial variability on the accuracy of skin and subsurface regression-based sea surface temperature algorithms." Remote Sensing of Environment 114.11 (2010): 2666-2678.

Rousset, C. and L. M. Beal, 2010: Observations of the Yucatan and Florida Currents from Caribbean cruise ship, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. J. Physical Oceanography, doi:10.1175/2010JPO4447.1 April 2010 


Fujimura, A., A. Soloviev, and V. Kudryavtsev, 2009: Numerical simulation of the environmental effects on SAR imagery of ship wakes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), submitted.

Gentemann, C. L., P. J. Minnett, and B. Ward, Profiles of ocean surface heating (POSH): A new model of upper  ocean diurnal warming, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C07017, doi:10.1029/2008JC004825.

Gentemann, C. L., P. J. Minnett, J. Sienkiewicz, M. DeMaria, J. Cummings, Y. Jin, J. D. Doyle, L. Gramer, C. N. Barron, K. S. Casey, and C. J. Donlon. MISST: The Multi-Sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature Project. Oceanography, 22, 76-87.

Gilman, M., K. Young, and A. Soloviev (2009).  Photographic study of the far wake of the Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas (working title). Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, manuscript in preparation.

Powell, B.S., A.M.Moore, H.G. Arango, E. Di Lorenzo, R.F. Milliff and R.R. Leben, 2009: Near real-time assimilation and prediction in the Intra-Americas Sea with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 48, 46-68.

Powell, B.S. and A.M. Moore, 2009: Estimating the 4DVAR analysis error from GODAE products. Ocean Dynamics, 59, 121-138.

Seim, H. E., et al. "Towards a regional coastal ocean observing system: An initial design for the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association." Journal of Marine Systems 77.3 (2009): 261-277.

Takahashi, T., S. C. Sutherland, R. Wanninkhof, C. Sweeney, R. A. Feely, D. W. Chipman, B. Hales, G. Friederich, F. Chavez, C. Sabine, A. Watson, D. C. E. Bakker, U. Schuster, N. Metzl, H. Y. Inoue, M. Ishii, T. Midorikawa, Y. Nojiri, A. Koertzinger, T. Steinhoff, M. Hoppema, J. Olafsson, T. S. Arnarson, B. Tilbrook, T. Johannessen, A. Olsen, R. Bellerby, C. S. Wong, B. Delille, N. R. Bates, H. J. W. de Baar, and (2009), Climatological Mean and Decadal Change in Surface Ocean pCO2, and Net Sea-air CO2 Flux over the Global Oceans, Deep -Sea Res II, 2009, 554-557, doi:510.1016/j.dsr1012.2008.1012.1009.

Telszewski, M., A. Chazottes, U. Schuster, A. J. Watson, C. Moulin, D. C. E. Bakker, M. González-Dávila, T. Johannessen, A. Körtzinger, H. Lüger, A. Olsen, A. Omar, X. A. Padin, A. Ríos, T. Steinhoff, M. Santana-Casiano, D. W. R. Wallace, and R. Wanninkhof (2009), Estimating the monthly pCO2 distribution in the North Atlantic using a self-organizing neural network, Biogeosciences, 6, 1405-1421, 2009, 6, 1405-1421.


Beal, L. M., J. M. Hummon, E. Williams, O. B. Brown, W. Baringer, and E. Kearns, Five years of Florida Current structure and transport from the Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Explorer of the Seas, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C06001, doi:10.1029/2007JC004154.

Gentemann, C. L., and P. J. Minnett. Radiometric measurements of ocean surface thermal variability. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113, C08017. doi:10.1029/2007JC004540

Gledhill, D. K., R. Wanninkhof, F. J. Millero, and M. Eakin (2008), Ocean acidification of the greater Caribbean region 1996-2006, J Geophys. Res., 113, C10031, doi:10010.11029/12007JC004629.

Nalli, N.R., P. J. Minnett and P. van Delst, Emissivity and reflection model for calculating unpolarized isotropic water surface-leaving radiance in the infrared. 1: Theoretical development and calculations. Applied Optics, 47, 3701-3721. doi:10.1364/AO.47.003701

Nalli, N.R., P.J. Minnett, E. Maddy, W. W. McMillan, C.D. Barnet and M. Goldberg, Emissivity and reflection model for calculating water surface leaving radiance in the infrared. 2:  Field measurements. Applied Optics, 47, 4649-4671. doi:10.1364/AO.47.004649

Powell, B.S., H.G. Arango, A.M. Moore, E. Di Lorenzo, R.F. Milliff and D. Foley,. 4DVAR Data Assimilation in the Intra-Americas Sea with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Ocean Modelling, {\bf 25}, 173-188.

Wickramaratna, K., M. Kubat, and P. Minnett, Discovering numeric laws, a case study: CO2 fugacity in the ocean. Intelligent Data Analysis, 12, 379-391.


Beal, L, M,, L. J. Williams, J. Hummon, W. Berringer, E. J. Kearns, and O. Brown, Five Years of Florida Current Structure and Transport measured from the Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Explorer of the Sea. Geophysical Research Letters.: in press

Szczodrak, M., P. J. Minnett, N. R. Nalli, and W. F. Feltz,: Profiling the Lower Troposphere Over the Ocean With Infrared Hyperspectral Measurements of the Marine-Atmosphere Emitted Radiance Interferometer. Journal of Oceanic and Atmospheric Technology, 24, 390-402. doi: 10.1175/JTECH1961.1

Wanninkhof, R., A. Olsen, and J. Triñanes (2007), Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Caribbean Sea from 2002-2004, Journal of Marine Systems, in press.


Corlett, G. K., I. J. Barton, C. J. Donlon, M. C. Edwards, S. A. Good, L. A. Horrocks, D. T. Llewellyn-Jones, C. J. Merchant, P. J. Minnett, and T. J. Nightingale, 2006 The accuracy of SST retrievals from AATSR: An initial assessment through geophysical validation against in situ radiometers, buoys and other SST data sets. Advances in Space Research, 37, 764-769.

Noyes, E. J., P. J. Minnett, J. J. Remedios, G. K. Corlett, S. A. Good, and D. T. Llewellyn-Jones, 2006: The Accuracy of the AATSR Sea Surface Temperatures in the Caribbean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 101, 38-51.


Minnett, P. J., K. A. Maillet, J. A. Hanafin and B. J. Osborne. 2005 Infrared interferometric measurements of the near surface air temperature over the oceans. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 22, 7, 1016-1029.

Rocken, Christian, James Johnson, Teresa Van Hove, Tetsuya Iwabuchi, Atmospheric Water Vapor and Geoid Measurements in the Open Ocean with GPS, Geophysical Research Letters (GL) paper 10.1029/2005GL022573, 2005.


Olsen, A., Triñanes, J.; Wanninkhof, R., Sea-air flux of CO2 in the Caribbean Sea estimated using in situ and remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment 2004, 89, 309-325.


Griffin, D. W., C. A. Kellogg, V. H. Garrison, J. T. Lisle, T. C. Borden, E. A. Shinn, Atmospheric microbiology in the northern Caribbean during African dust events, Aerobiologia, Volume 19, Numbers 3-4, September 2003, pp. 143-157(15).


Palmer, David R. , Shailer R. Cummings, S. Jack Stamates, Peter B. Ortner, Douglas Wilson. Acoustic remote sensing from aboard the Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines passenger ship Explorer of the Seas. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 112, Number 5 (November 2002), pp. 2402-2402,  Proceedings from the First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 3rd Iberoamerican Congress of Acoustics 9th Mexican Congress of Acoustics, Dec 2-6, 2002, Cancun Mexico

Williams, E., E. Prager, D. Wilson, Research combines with public outreach on a cruise ship, Eos Trans. AGU, 83(50), 590, 10.1029/2002EO000404, 2002.

Wilson, W.D., and W.E. Johns. Physical oceanography of the Caribbean Sea: Some recent observations. AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2001. Supplement to EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,82(47):F678, OS52B-01 (2002).

Presentations at scientific meetings

Years:  2012  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  |  2004  |  2003  |  2002 |  2001 |  2000


Minnett, Peter J., and Gary K. Corlett. "International Teams in Space Science Generation of Climate Data Records of Sea-Surface Temperature from Current and Future Satellite Radiometers." Report of the First Workshop. 2012.


Minnett, P. J., (2010) The Validation of Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals from Spaceborne Infrared Radiometers. Oceanography from Space, revisited.

Minnett, P. J., K. Wickramaratna, and M. Kubat. "Deriving Algorithms for the Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide Fugacity at the Ocean Surface." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2010.

Minnett, Peter J., and Ian J. Barton. "Remote sensing of the earth’s surface temperature." Radiometric Temperature Measurements. II Applications 43 (2010): 333-391.


Minnett, P. J., R.H Evans, G. Podesta, K. Kilpatrick, S. Walsh, V. Halliwell and E. Williams. MODIS Sea-Surface Temperatures. International GHRSST User Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA, 28-29th May 2009.

Minnett, P. J.,  R. H. Evans & O. B. Brown. Sea-surface Temperatures from the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS). International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS 2009. Cape Town, South Africa, July 16, 2009.

Minnett, P. J. Climate Data Records of Geophysical Variables from Spacecraft Radiometry International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS 2009. Cape Town, South Africa, July 17, 2009.


Evans, R. H. & P. J. Minnett. MODIS sea surface temperatures. VIIRS/MODIS Science Teams Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 14-16 May, 2008.

Evans, R. H. & P. J. Minnett. MODIS sea surface temperatures. 9th GHRSST Science Team Meeting, Perros-Guirec, France, 9-13 June, 2008.

Gentemann, C. L., P. J .Minnett, and B. Ward, Profiles of Surface Ocean Heating (POSH): A New Model of Upper Ocean Diurnal Thermal Variability. Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008. Orlando, Florida.

Gentemann, C. L. & P. J. Minnett. Diurnal heating at the ocean surface. 9th GHRSST Science Team Meeting, Perros-Guirec, France, 9-13 June, 2008.

Gledhill, D. K., R. Wanninkhof, F. J. Millero, and M. Eakin (2008), Ocean acidification of the greater Caribbean region 1996-2006, J Geophys. Res., 113, C10031, doi:10010.11029/12007JC004629.

Gentemann, C. L. & P. J. Minnett. Diurnal heating at the ocean surface. VIIRS/MODIS Science Teams Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 14-16 May, 2008.

Minnett, P.J.  Producing climate data records of sea-surface temperatures from measurements from spacecraft radiometers. ESA Conference Proceedings, SP666. ISBN 978-92-9221-230-8, ISSN 1609-042X.

Minnett, P.J., Measurements for Detecting Long-Term Changes in Sea Surface Temperature. E.O. Hulbert Colloquium Series at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C. April 24, 2008.

Minnett, P.J.,  R. H. Evans, M. Szczodrak, M. Izaguirre & R. M. Reynolds. Sea surface temperatures from MODIS. VIIRS/MODIS Science Teams Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 14-16 May, 2008.

Minnett, P.J., Establishing Climate Data Records of Sea Surface Temperature. Institut für Meereskunde, University of Hamburg, Germany, May 27, 2008.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans, M. Szczodrak, M. Izaguirre & R. M. Reynolds. Sea surface temperatures from MODIS. 9th GHRSST Science Team Meeting, Perros-Guirec, France, 9-13 June, 2008.

Minnett, P. J.  Climate Data Records of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 15-19, 2008.  Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN51B-1155.

Reynolds. R.M. and P. J. Minnett. Shipboard Oceanographic and Radiometric Autonomous Instrumentation for VOS Applications Report of the 2nd Joint GOSUD/SAMOS Workshop 10-12 June 2008 Seattle, Washington, USA

Soloviev, Alexander, et al. "Hydrodynamics and remote sensing of far wakes of ships." Proc. SEASAR Workshop. 2008.


Albrecht, Bruce. "Teaching meteorological instrumentation on the cruise liner Explorer of the Seas." 16th Symposium on Education. 2007.

Evans, R.H., P.J. Minnett, K. Kilpatrick. Surface Temperatures derived from MIAMI/MODIS match-ups. VIIRS Team Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, January 24, 2007.

Gentemann, C. L., and P. J. Minnett. In situ observations of diurnal warming at the ocean surface. AGU Joint Assembly, 22-25 May 2007, Acapulco, Mexico. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23),  Joint  Assem.  Suppl., Abstract OS42B-01. (Best student paper award).

Minnett, P. J., R. H. Evans, M. A. Izaguirre, K. Kilpatrick, M. Szczodrak, E. L. Key & A. Kumar.  Establishing a Climate Data Record for MODIS Sea Surface Temperatures - Error Characteristics and Traceability to Temperature Standards. AGU Joint Assembly, 22-25 May 2007, Acapulco, Mexico. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Joint Assem. Suppl., Abstract OS31A-06.

Minnett, P. J., R. H. Evans, K. Kilpatrick, M. Szczodrak and E. L. Key. Validating Sea Surface Temperatures from NPP VIIRS – building on the MODIS experience. NASA NPP Science Team Meeting, August 22-24 2007, Annapolis MD.

Wickramaratna, K., M. Kubat, and P. J. Minnett, Automated Search for the Quantitative Laws Affecting CO2 Fugacity in Sea Water. Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Key West, FL. May 7–9, 2007.


Albrecht, B., P.J. Minnett,  Observational Evaluation of a Bulk Model of Air-Sea Thermodynamic Differences in a Fair-Weather Cumulus Regime, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.

Beal, Lisa, Liz Williams, Jules Hummon, Ed Kearns, and Otis Brown, Five Years of Florida Current Structure and Transport measured from the Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Explorer of the Seas Rapid Climate Change International Science Conference, Birmingham, U.K, October 2006.

Evans, R.H.,  P.J. Minnett, K. Kilpatrick. Space-Time distributions of error in MODIS Aqua and Terra SST. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06), July 31 – August 4, 2006, Denver, CO.

Farmer, Linda, J Kazumi, T D Waite, The Use of Explorer of the Seas as a Platform for Ballast Water Exchange Studies, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.

Gentemann, C. L. and P.J. Minnett. In situ observations of diurnal warming in the skin layer. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06), July 31 – August 4, 2006, Denver, CO.

Graber, Hans C, K Hessner, H Dankert,  Sea State and Surface Current Field Observations from Marine Radar Onboard the Explorer of the Sea, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.

Kearns, E J, J Hummon, L Beal, R Zika, E Williams, S Cummings, A time series of upper ocean currents as measured from the Explorer of the Seas, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.

Key, E., P. J.  Minnett, R.M. Reynolds, M. Miller, M. and M. Szczodrak. Shipboard Measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness in Marine Environments. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April, 2006.

Mackenzie, G., P. K. Swart, A. Saied, Two Years of Stable Oxygen Isotopic Data from Surface Waters of the Northern Caribbean using the Explorer of Seas, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.

Minnett, P.J., C.L. Gentemann, F. Wentz and A. Jessup. Validation of TMI and AMSR-E SSTs by Comparison to VOS Observations. 13th Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 20-24 February 2006.

Minnett, P. J., R. M. Reynolds, C. J. Donlon, E. J. Kearns, S. Browdy, E.L. Key and A. T. Jessup. Skin Sea-Surface Temperature Measurements from Ships of Opportunity for Satellite Validation. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06), July 31 – August 4, 2006, Denver, CO.

Minnett, P. J., R. H. Evans, K. Kilpatrick, M. Szczodrak, E. L. Key and A Kumar. At-sea validation of oceanic and atmospheric variables derived from NASA EOS infrared imaging spectroradiometers MODIS and AIRS. Conference on Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing (CALCON06), October 5, 2006. Utah State University, UT.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, W. Baringer, E. Key, M. Szczodrak, S. Walsh and V. Halliwell. Sea-surface Temperature from MODIS – recent progress in improving  accuracy. MODIS Science Team Meeting. Adelphi, MD. October 31-November 2, 2006.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, W. Baringer, E. Key, M. Szczodrak, S. Walsh and V. Halliwell. Validation of Sea-surface Temperatures from  MODIS. MODIS Science Team Meeting. Adelphi, MD. October 31-November 2, 2006.

Ortner, Peter, S. R. Cummings, D. R. Palmer, Oceanographic Observations from the Cruise Ship, Explorer of the Seas: the First Five Years, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, HI, February 2006.

Remedios, J., G. Corlett. E. Noyes and P. J. Minnett. AATSR Sea surface temperature. MERIS-AATSR Validation Workshop. ESRIN, Frascati. Italy, 20-24 March 2006.

Reynolds, R.M., P.J. Minnett, S.F. Browdy and C.J. Donlon. Autonomous Measurements of Sea-Surface Temperature for the Validation of Satellite Retrievals. 13th Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 20-24 February 2006.

Szczodrak, M, P Minnett, C Gentemann, Ship-based Radiometric Measurements and Their use in Validating the Retrievals of MODIS and AMSR-E., AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.

Williams, E. J., R G Zika, O B Brown, P B Ortner, Utilization of a CommeRCLal Cruise Liner as a Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) and Research Platform, AGU Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006.


Evans, R.H., P. J. Minnett, K. Kilpatrick and E. Kearns. MODIS TERRA Collection V Sea Surface Temperature SST Matchup Database Calibration and Validation activities. MODIS Science Team Meeting, Baltimore, MD. March 22-24, 2005.

Evans R.H., P. J. Minnett, O. B. Brown, E.L. Key, M. Szczodrak,  K. Kilpatrick, W. Baringer, S. Walsh. MODIS Sea-Surface Temperatures for GHRSST-PP. US GHRSST Meeting. Miami. FL. November 28, 2005.

Minnett, P. J., O. B. Brown,  R. H. Evans, E. L. Key, E. J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, M. Szczodrak & S. Walsh. Sea Surface Temperatures from MODIS. MODIS Science Team Meeting, Baltimore, MD. March 22-24, 2005.

Minnett, P. J., R. H. Evans, O. B. Brown, , E. L. Key, M. Szczodrak, K. Kilpatrick, W. Baringer & S. Walsh. MODIS Sea-Surface Temperature Algorithm Development and Maintenance. MODIS Science Team Meeting, Baltimore, MD. March 22-24, 2005.

Minnett, P. J., R. H. Evans, O. B. Brown, E. L. Key, M. Szczodrak, K. A. Maillet, K. Kilpatrick, W. Baringer. Sea-surface temperature from MODIS.  MODIS Oceans Algorithms Team Workshop.. Baltimore, MD. February 17, 2005.

Szczodrak, M., P. J. Minnett, K.A. Maillet and W.F. Feltz. Atmospheric water vapor over the subtropical oceans. 15th ARM Science Team Meeting, Daytona Beach, FL  March 14 - 17, 2005.

Szczodrak, M., P. J. Minnett and C. Gentemann. Long Term Comparison of AMSR-E Retrievals and Ship Based Measurements of Total Water Vapor in the Caribbean Sea. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 7, 2005.

Wanninkhof, R., Olsen A., Trinanes, J., Huss, B.  Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Caribbean Sea, 37th Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics  GAS TRANSFER AT WATER SURFACES, Liege, Belgium (2-6 May 2005).

Wanninkhof, R. On creating CO2 flux maps: CO2 dynamics in the Caribbean Seas- Annual meeting Climate Observations and Services Program, Silver Spring, MD, May 2005.

Williams, E. J.,  Edward J Kearns, Rich Findley, Don Cucchiara, Chip Maxwell, Four years of continuous surface water measurements Explorer of the Seas, OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, Washington, DC, September 2005.

Williams, E. J., Public outreach and education as part of a commeRCLal cruise liner and academic partnership on Explorer of the Seas, OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, Washington, DC, September 2005.

Williams, E., E. J. Kearns, S. Cummings, et al., 2005, Long term regional marine surface water measurements in the Caribbean, Bahamas and Straits of Florida. Oceans 2005 Conference, Sep. 17023 2005. Oceans 2005 Vol. 1-3: 2537-2539.


Kearns, Edward, , Dr. Bruce Albrecht, Dr. Peter Minnett, Dr. Hal Maring, Dr. Michael Reynolds, Dr. Rik Wanninkhof, Elizabeth Williams Meteorological Measurements on the Observing Ship Explorer of the Seas, Second Workshop on High-Resolution Marine Meteorology, Silver Spring, MD, April 2004.

Minnett, P J., D.T. Llewellyn-Jones, G.K. Corlett and E.J.  Noyes. Validating the Sea-Surface Temperatures Derived from the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ENVISAT. AGU Ocean Sciences, Portland, Oregon, USA, 26-30 January 2004.

Minnett, P.J. Diurnal Signals in Air-sea Temperature Signals -- True or False? pAGU Ocean Sciences, Portland, Oregon, USA, 26-30 January 2004.

Minnett, P.J. Is the climate changing? And how would we know? Miami-Dade MetroZoo. November 6, 2004.

Minnett, P.J., O. B. Brown, D. Cucchiara, R. H. Evans, E. L. Key, E. J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, K. A. Maillet, C. Maxwell , G. Szczodrak Applications of the Marine-Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Radiometer (M-AERI).

Explorer of the Seas Media Event. Explorer of the Seas, June 15, 2004.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans, E. J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, K. A. Maillet, A. Kumar, W. Baringer, S. Walsh, E. L. Key, M. Szczodrak and O. B. Brown, Sea surface temperature measurements from the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Workshop to Discuss Potential NESDIS Operational Products from MODIS. Silver Spring, MD. June 9, 2004.

Noyes, E., P. J. Minnett, J. Remedios, B. Mannerings, G. Corlett, M. Edwards, D. Llewellyn-Jones. Validation of the AATSR L2 GSST product with in situ measurements from the M-AERI. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 20 July 2004.

Noyes, E., P. J. Minnett, J. Remedios, B. Mannerings, G. Corlett, M. Edwards, D. Llewellyn-Jones. Validation of the AATSR L2 GSST product with in situ measurements from the M-AERI. Envisat Symposium, Salzburg, Austria. September 7, 2004.

Szczodrak, M. and P.J. Minnett, Measurements with the Marine Atmosphere Emitted Radiance Interferometer (M-AERI). Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg, Germany, May 27, 2004.

Szczodrak, M., P. J. Minnett, K.A. Maillet and W.F. Feltz. Atmospheric water vapor over the subtropical oceans. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 14, 2004.

Szczodrak, M., P.J. Minnett, K.A. Maillet and R.A. Jones, Comparative Measurements of Atmospheric Water Vapor Over the Oceans. AGU Ocean Sciences, Portland, Oregon, USA, 26-30 January 2004.

Williams, E J., E.J. Kearns, B. Albrecht, P.J. Minnett, H.B. Maring, S Cummings and R.M Reynolds, Contributions of the Rosenstiel Labs on Explorer of the Seas to the Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System (SEACOOS), AGU Ocean Sciences, Portland, Oregon, USA, 26-30 January 2004.


Evans, R.H., E.J. Kearns. H.R. Gordon, P.J. Minnett, K. Voss and K. Kilpatrick. MODIS ocean color and SST status, calibration and application. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03), July 21-25, 2003, Toulouse, France.

Gentemann, C.L., P.J. Minnett, C.J. Donlon and G.A. Wick. Diurnal sea-surface temperature modeling with satellite data. XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, June 30-July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.

Gentemann, C. F. Wentz, P.J. Minnett and C. Donlon. Microwave SST validation and microwave/infrared blending status. CEOS Meeting. Tokyo, Japan. March, 2003.

Hagan, D.E. and P.J. Minnett, Progress-Report, Surface Marine-L1B Radiance Matchups. AIRS Science Team Net Meeting. Pasadena, CA, January 9, 2003.

Minnett, P.J. Radiometric measurements of air-sea and air-ice temperature differences in the Arctic. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03), July 21-25, 2003, Toulouse, France.

Minnett, P.J. Shipboard measurements for AIRS validation AIRS Science Team Meeting, Camp Springs, 25−27 February 2003.

Minnett, P.J.,  Ship-Based Infrared Interferometric Measurements of Ocean and Atmospheric Temperatures. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’04), September 20-24, 2003, Anchorage, AK.

Minnett, P.J., K.A. Maillet and B.J. Osborne. Infrared interferometric measurements of the air-sea temperature difference. XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, June 30-July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.

Minnett, P.J., O. B. Brown, R. H. Evans, E. L. Key, E. J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, K. A. Maillet, and M. Szczodrak. Sea-surface temperature measurements from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on Aqua and Terra. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’04), September 20-24, 2003, Anchorage, AK.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans and K. Kilpatrick. MODIS Oceans Cloud Identification. Aqua Science Working Group Meeting, NASA Goddard Space  Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, May 29, 2003.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans, E. J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, W. Baringer, O. B. Brown and W. Esaias. AQUA MODIS Sea Surface Temperatures. Aqua Science Working Group Meeting, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, May 28, 2003.

Minnett, P.J., R. H. Evans, E. J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, K. A. Maillet, A. Kumar, W. Baringer, S. Walsh, E. L. Key, M. Szczodrak & O. B. Brown. Sea surface temperature measurements from the MODerate- resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on AQUA. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 9, 2003.

Minnett, P.J., Shipboard radiometric measurements of some surface meteorological parameters. Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL,  3-5 March, 2003.

Noyes, E., B. Mannerings, G. Corlett, J. Remedios, D. Llewellyn-Jones and P. J. pMinnett. Validation of AATSR SST with ship-based measurements from the M-AERI. MERIS and AATSR Calibration and Geophysical Validation Meeting (MAVT-2003). 20-24 October 2003. Frascati, Italy.

Rocken, Christian, John Braun, Teresa Vanhove, James Johnson, Bill Kuo pDevelopments in Ground-Based GPS Meteorology, , Universitt International Workshop on GPS Meteorology - GPS Meteorology: Ground-Based and Space-Borne Applications Proceedings-  The International Workshop on GPS Meteorology - GPS Meteorology: Ground-Based and Space-Borne Applications, January 14-17,2003 Tsukuba, Japan.

Swart, P., et al. "Temporal and spatial variations in the oxygen isotopic compositions of surface waters from the northern Caribbean." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2003.

Wanninkhof, R., pCO2 measurements from VOS, Workshop on High-Resolution Marine Meteorology, March 3-5, 2003, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.

Ward, B., R. Wanninkhof, P.J. Minnett and W. McGillis, Skin temperature effect on global flux of CO2 from in situ observations. CIMAS Scientific Review, Miami, FL, February 20, 2003.


Berendes,T.,  D. Berendes, R. Welch, E. Clothiaux, E. Dutton, P. Minnett and T. Uttal. Validation of a Neural Network Based MODIS Global Cloud Mask Using Ground Based Instruments. 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Orlando, FL.  13-17 January 2002.

Brown, O. B.,  R. H. Evans, P. J. Minnett, E. J. Kearns and  K. Kilpatrick. Sea surface temperature measured by the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). NASA Earth Observing System Investigator Working Group Meeting, Ellicott City, MD. November 18, 2002.

Evans, R. H. , E. J. Kearns, P. J. Minnett, O. B. Brown, W. Baringer, J. Brown, K. Kilpatrick and S. Walsh. Sea surface temperature measured by the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). “Remote Sensing of the Earth's Environment from Terra,” a Workshop at the International Summer School on Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, L'Aquila, Italy, August 25-30, 2002.

Evans, R. H., E. J. Kearns, P. J. Minnett, O. B. Brown, W. Baringer, J. Brown, K. Kilpatrick and S. Walsh. Sea surface temperature measured by the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). MODIS Science Team Meeting, Greenbelt MD, July 22-24, 2002.

Evans, R.H., O.B. Brown, P.J. Minnett and E.J. Kearns. A comparison of MODIS AQUA and TERRA SST using MAERI and buoy observations.  Third Workshop of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project. Frascati, Italy, December 4. 2002.

Fahey, J. and O.  Symonds. 2002.  Progress report on the use of a cruise liner as a vessel of opportunity for collecting scientific data. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2002 Confeence Oct. 29-31, 2002.  Oceans 2002 MTS/IEEE  Conference Exhibition,  Vols 1-4, Conference Proceedings: 183201839.

Gentemann, C. F. Wentz, P.J. Minnett and C. Donlon. Microwave SST validation and microwave/infrared blending status. CEOS Meeting. Tokyo, Japan. March, 2003.

Kearns E.J., R.H. Evans, K. Kilpatrick, P.J. Minnett and D.K. Clark. The calibration of MODIS ocean color and sea surface temperature products. Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, Florida, USA, 20 May, 2002.

Minnett, P. J. Radiometric measurements of air-sea temperature difference. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11-15 February 2002.

Minnett, P.J.  NPOESS/NPP VIIRS Ocean Measurements: Sea-Surface Temperature. NPOESS Workshop, June 23, 2002, Toronto, Canada.

Minnett, P.J. Air-Sea Temperature Difference Measured by Ship-Board Infrared Interferometry. Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, Florida, USA, 20 May, 2002.

Minnett, P.J. and M.C. Edwards. AATSR SST Validation using the M-AERI. Envisat Validation Workshop, Frascati, Italy, December 12, 2002.

Minnett, P.J. Recent results for the Marine-AERI. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin – Madison. April 1, 2002.

Minnett, P.J. Remote Sensing of Sea-Surface Temperature: Techniques and Accuracies. 2003 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Remote Sensing. September 15-18, 2003, Elba, Italy.

Minnett, P.J. Sea-surface temperature - experience gained from MODIS. VIIRS Operational Algorithm Team Meeting, NOAA Science Center, Camp Springs, MD. 7 June 2002.

Minnett, P.J. Spectroradiometric measurements of the sea-surface temperature and air-sea temperature difference. Coastal Studies Seminar, Division of Applied Marine Physics, RSMAS, University of Miami. 23 May, 2002.

Minnett, P.J. The Accuracy of Tropical Sea-Surface Temperatures Measured by Radiometers on TRMM. First TRMM International Science Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 22-26, 2002

Minnett, P.J. Validation of satellite SST using M-AERI. Third Workshop of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project. Frascati, Italy, December 4. 2002.

Minnett, P.J., R.H. Evans, E.J. Kearns and O.B. Brown. Sea-surface temperature measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Toronto, Canada. June 24-28, 2002.

Minnett, P.J., Use of satellite data to investigate the ocean skin temperature. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, UK. 29 January 2002.

Minnett, P.J., Validation of AATSR sea-surface temperatures. AATSR Commissioning Phase Readiness Review. Space Research Centre, University of Leicester, UK. 28 January 2002 .

Remer, Lorraine,  Charles Ichoku and J. Vanderlei Martins Sunphotomete Measurement of Transported Desert Dust and Shipboard Validation of EOS/MODIS Aerosol Products. MODIS Aerosol Science Team  July 15, 2002.


Albrecht, B., P.J. Minnett, O.B. Brown, P. Kollias, K. Maillet, R. Kovach, J. Tenerelli and A. Li (2001). The use of the cruise ship Explorer of the Seas as an instrumented platform for climate-related measurements over the oceans. Part 2. Atmospheric Data. Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 19-23 March 2001.

Brown O. B., P. J. Minnett, R. H. Evans and E. J. Kearns. Sea Surface Temperature. MODIS Ocean Team Meeting. Baltimore, 17 December, 2001.

Brown, O. B., P. J. Minnett, R. H. Evans, E. J. Kearns, V. Banzon, W. Baringer, J. Brown, J. Hanafin, E. Key, K. Kilpatrick, A. Kumar, K. Maillet, M. Szczodrak and S. Walsh. Sea Surface Temperature - MOD 28 Status. MODIS Science Team Meeting, Baltimore, 18 December, 2001.

Evans R.H., P.J. Minnett, O.B. Brown, I.L. Barton, E.J. Kearns, K. Kilpatrick, R.J. Sikorski, A. Kumar and A.M. Zavody. Measurements of the Ocean Surface Temperature from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Sydney, Australia. July 9-13, 2001.

Minnett, P.J  Infrared interferometric measurements of the air-sea temperature difference. Minnett, P.J.  Measurements of the Ocean Surface Skin Temperature from the Marine-Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (M-AERI). IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Sydney, Australia. July 9-13, 2001.

Minnett, P.J.  Cloud masking for MODIS Ocean Color and Sea-Surface Temperature Retrievals. MODIS Cloud Mask Workshop, Madison WI, May 8 & 9, 2001.

Minnett, P.J.  Plans for at-sea Aqua validation. AMSR Validation Meeting. GSFC, August 3, 2001.

Minnett, P.J. At-sea validation of AIRS radiances. AIRS Science Team Meeting. Pasadena, CA. 6-8 November 2001.

Minnett, P.J. Optimized Algorithm for Retrievals of Sea-Surface Temperature from VIRS. Science Team Meeting of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. Fort Collins, CO. 29 October - 1 November 2001.

Minnett, P.J.,  Satellite measurements of sea-surface temperatures – some current issues. Workshop on optimal assimilation of satellite sea surface temperature retrievals. NOAA Science Center, Camp Springs, MD, 24 - 26 April, 2001.

Minnett, P.J., O.B. Brown, B. Albrecht, K. Maillet, R. Kovach, P. Kollias, R.M. Reynolds and S. Cummings (2001). The use of the cruise ship Explorer of the Seas as an instrumented platform for climate-related measurements over the oceans. Part 1. Atmospheric Instruments. Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 19-23 March 2001.

Minnett, P.J., O.B. Brown, B. Albrecht, K. Maillet, R. Kovach, P. Kollias, R.M. Reynolds and S. Cummings.  The use of the cruise ship Explorer of the Seas as an instrumented platform for climate-related measurements over the oceans.  Part 1. Atmospheric Instruments. Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 19-23 March 2001.


Minnett, P.J.  Applications of ship-board infrared interferometry. Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Sciences, University of Oxford, UK. July 5, 2000.

Minnett, P.J.  Applications of ship-board infrared interferometry to the validation of the AATSR. Department Space Science, University of Leicester, UK, July 6, 2000.

Online Presentations

Pruitt, Richard and Ortner, Peter B. “Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.’s Next Generation Ship of Opportunity Program: A Private Industry- Academia – Government Partnership”
